Signature Verification Service

With our signature verification service you can verify any document that has been signed with the trusted PKI digital signature. 

We will verify the signatories’ authenticity and data integrity to give you complete peace of mind. Anyone can access Secured Signing’s Signature Verification Service.

Signature Verification Service

How do you verify PKI signed documents?

Secured Signing is one of the only PKI digital signing solutions available and utilising our encryption technology we are able to verify if a PKI signed document is valid and has not been changed since it was signed.

We do this by reversing the digital signing process – we take the document that you upload and using an algorithm calculate a hash value of the data. We then extract the hash value from the digital signature using the public key of the person’s digital signature. If the two hash values match then we know the signature is valid and the document has not been altered. If they don’t match we consider the digital signature invalid and it either means that a different key was used to sign it, or that the data has been altered (either intentionally or unintentionally).

What type of documents can you verify?

We can verify any PDF document which has been digitally signed using PKI technology. The document can be of any length and you can use both our online service to verify the document or out offline service if you’d prefer a more secure approach or have a large number of documents to verify.

Get started with Secured Signing today.